Mandy Minger, member of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, PA writes -

"On the day we arrived, we were visiting the girls in the home and Heidy was combing my niece, Mady's, hair. A few of the little girls were giggling and watching and I was tickling them when Rocío walked over. She sat on my lap and then settled in on my shoulder and quickly fell asleep. I couldn't believe it and asked one of the tias where her bedroom was so that I could put her down for a nap. When I stood up, she sleepily pointed back to the chair outside her room indicating that she wanted me to sit there in the breeze and she dozed off again. I felt pure joy as I held Rocío. It was like holding an angel and I knew that I was in the right place at the right time doing God's work. I'm smiling as I recall how happy I felt watching her sleep on my shoulder. I love that she trusted me enough to hang her arms around my neck and sleep peacefully."