Chinese New Year, The Year of the Snake, was a great reason to host a fundraiser for our girls at Our Little Roses. We had over 40 women, many longtime supporters of the girls, dressed in red (for good luck!) bringing in the New Year together.

The Asian food was plentiful and delicious, the house decorated with all forms of Chinese Good Luck symbols and of course, lots of red! It was a luncheon that lasted hours. February is a good month to host a fundraiser as people are ready to party again after a break from the holidays. Coming up with a theme that is out of the ordinary helps make a fundraiser just that bit different and exciting for people to attend. Spreading the word about Our Little Roses is a way to get more volunteers and supporters. We handed out a list of ways each person could help us make our week with the girls a success. We suggested that the girls needed not only donations of clothes but books, craft supplies, help designing workshops and writing letters. And lastly, it was very successful in the money-raising department. Let’s share ideas of how we all help our girls. Ann, Charlotte Padrinos 2/2013